Don’t give up.

So I know this girl…

She picked up a camera and took photos as a form of expression… an outlet. You see, she’d just become a mother two, in a new town, with no friends and she needed an “escape”.

She thought she was the ONLY photographer in the world. She didn’t know there were a million photography forums. Had no clue about liability insurance… equipment insurance… contracts…

She was just doing her thing.


She didn’t charge for sessions. She spent hours, days, weeks, months…  camera in hand, practicing with her children and anyone who would let her… She stayed up late on the computer googling everything under the sun.

She didn’t have the most expensive equipment. She had a D5000 and a 50mm, but she ROCKED that shit (pardon her french ;)) She gave families treasured memories… including her own. She didn’t even have  a website, she only used Facebook.

Then she met some helpful, amazing people (She says “HI SAN ANGELO PEEPS!”)

And with their help, she discovered business licenses, sales tax licenses, contracts, insurance….

She started to grow.

She started to get better.

And now, here she is… Running a business. Finally some what comfortable in her own skin. She still struggles saying she’s a photographer confidently when asked what she does for a living. She’s still learning who she is and what EXACTLY she wants. She’s still working on being a better business woman. She still has days where juggling it all gets the best of her.

But she’s HERE. She’s happy, and she’s proud.

She’s here, because she didn’t listen to people who said she couldn’t (including herself).

She didn’t take criticism to heart and run and hide.

She fought. She still fights.. even herself sometimes.

It’s not always easy. Sometimes it’s frustrating, it’s lonely, it’s exhausting…

But she keeps going because she believes in what she does.


If you can relate to this girl, Keep going… Surround yourself with positive people and push forward. Work to be the best you can be. Don’t compare yourself to others, just keep trying to better yourself.

Just don’t give up!

Because once you get over that hump it is SO.WORTH.IT.

And if you’ve been this girl… remember you started some where, too. Knowledge is power. If you have the choice to help or bash someone, HELP them.. it’s so rewarding.



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