I was SO pumped about this wedding from the moment I was hired to do it! I was a LITTLE nervous (As most photogs would be for a noon wedding on a mountain top. LOL) HOWEVER, I was WAY more excited for the two of them… You see, they’ve been together for 13 years! They met at Water Country and have been hooked ever since. So, for them to get married on the exact date of their FIRST DATE, at a location they LOVE, surrounded by their family… was just AMAZING. So, so, so happy for them!
I started my morning with Carey, and stayed with her until it was time to catch a bus up to the hiking point at Sharp Top Mountain. She was relaxed the whole way… I WAS DYING THE WHOLE WAY! I mean HOLY GORGEOUS PLACE TO GET MARRIED AND TAKE PICTURES, BATMAN!
Their wedding was super intimate and private, just like their relationship. I just LOVE how simple and beautiful it all was. Their love out shined it ALL. It was breathtaking.
After she was beautified we snagged some bridals while we waited for the bus! <3
The scenery was to die for!!! The peak pictured below (Sharp Top Mountain) is where the ceremony took place 🙂
Stop it! You two were SOOO cute!!
It’s official!!! 🙂 🙂
Following the Ceremony they took me to two of their favorite spots: A look out point and the “forrest” as Carey called it. 😉
The ceremony was followed by a picnic at a local winery.
They met at Water Country, so of COURSE they had RUBBER DUCKY TOPPERS! So cute 🙂
Can’t go to a winery without a wine tasting 😉
And a proper goodbye 😉