Hampton Roads, VA Photographer | Personal

Nick and I were living in Japan, with orders to move back to the states, when we decided we wanted to try and start a family. Within a week of making this big life decision we found ourselves at the  BX (Base Exchange aka the military’s wal-mart ;)) looking at cameras. We wanted something awesome to capture our baby’s life (yep, we only planned on one 😉 haha)… Well, there happened to be a Nikon rep there, and she talked us into purchasing our very first “nice camera”, A Nikon D5000.

Honestly, That bad boy sat in the box pretty much until after the babies were born. I played with it a little bit, but with a move and being pregnant (WITH TWINS!!) it was the last thing on my mind. Nick actually used it more than I did!! haha! Little did I know, that camera would rock my world and bring out a talent I didn’t know existed.

As a new mom, Staying home with two newborns was pretty challenging. Being in a new place, with not many friends, I sought out an outlet… And I found it in a dusty camera box ;)…  It was a total learning process (STILL IS), but at least a couple times a month I had special sessions with my them. I’d coordinate their clothes or come up with a special theme , and I’d have a ball photographing them.

Before I knew it, I was buying editing software, educating myself, buying new lenses, getting a business license, purchasing a new camera, seeking mentors… AHH! haha 🙂 And here I am a small business, all because of fate.

This love for capturing moments in their lives turned into way more than just a hobby… and I am SOOO thankful for it. I have found something I LOVE to do. Something I am SO passionate about.  Something I can share WITH them. Something I can share with the world. Something I can do to help SUPPORT my family.

It just blows my mind how it all began. I wouldn’t be here doing it without THEM (or my AMAZING supportive husband, but he deserves his own blog post ;))… and that is pretty cool.

Two and a half years later, I still HAVE to have  special sessions with them, even if they are only 15 minutes (like this one) because it’s important to me to document their lives in a special way, and to remind myself why I fell so madly in love with my job and who I do it for…… THEM. <3


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